Wednesday, November 3, 2010

ftw diy pcp lsd

t-mo and his friends have
been on a hardcore run of
building this renegade spot
down in an Oakland no man's land.
you can complain about the lack
of shit you have to skate or ride
and bitch about your scene or
you can work hard and -make
radical shit- (trademark) patten pending.

this is the best. in it's purest form.
the skating is so good. and the hippie
that coffins over the rainbow is better
than anything ever done in the xgames.

Tmo & Friends from dlxsf on Vimeo.


CAE357 said...

0:53, the Hippie that coffins off the rainbow, SICK!!!

mindpill said...

what!? what am i witnessing? so pure.....

lee bender said...


dave herr said...

amazing, looks so good. and yes lee 1:07

Gorgeous Corpse Culture said...

some of the sickest skating iv seen in a while!

Shrewgy said...

Fuck, that vagrant Coffin 5-0's the rainbow rail! Lots of rad schralping but dang that vagrant stole the show!

Brujo29 said...

Rad!....Whats the song playing?

Mark Harris said...

Ditto on the hippie coffin.

Anonymous said...

lye, burns

ride the rainbow


max schaaf said...

the band is
monk from Seattle's band called
-grindline- same as his skatepark co.

circus leo said...

gnarly! thanks for sharing

Jon said...

4Q knuckle cover jump land?

max schaaf said...

yeah same spot

Anonymous said...

sooooo good !!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

yeah.....!!!!! sick vid.. I want to ride again.. a soon as I can I will.. thanks.. sick......

Ailton© said...

Freaks, need to go skate now :D
Lovely video Max, thanks for sharing!!!

=mike= said...

shit when I was a kid all we had was giant skate parks and drainage ditches . Lots of backyard ramps too , but nothing as punk and ruling as this .

I grew up killing sewer pipes and ditches , but this isn't even next level stuff , it's other planet shit !

Give it 5 years of round the clock cementing and it will be another Burns or Washington street , as long as the city doesn't come along and shit all over it .

Ailton© said...

True @Mike... goverment always have great ideas with some selfmade parks... anyway, this is zo fucking good & fun at the same time... coffin man rules...

max schaaf said...

right on =mike=.... cities
been pretty cool so far. only time will tell.

TuRk said...

Nothing is better than skating a diy spot..especially one you've put work into. so satisfying

hog said...

Sick. Thanks for posting "work hard and make radical shit" words to live by!