Friday, August 30, 2013

made a little video. last day of eastern span of bay bridge.

"THE UGLY SIDE" from max schaaf on Vimeo.


Davidabl said...

You outdid yourself this time Max. Great idea --and great use of yr lo-fi video esthetic.

Unknown said...

Old stuff is so it machines, buildings, tools or a person. So much character, soul and personality...serving a purpose for so long. Great video Max, you really captured it.

WhitelinePsycho said...

Very surprised to find out this icon of your hometown is being pulled down, fond memories of my visual encounter with it on my honeymoon, sad. Thanks for a poignant farewell.

David Vandiver said...

A transistion from the past to the future. From the old bridge to the digital billboards. I wonder how many people crossed that bridge.

Mikey Ratt said...

That was great .

Mikey Ratt said...

That was great .

Jahluv said...




BuzzKilr's said...

Your blog rules and this video just reaffirms it! Very cool.

CRIT said...

Love that relic of an old bridge. My fave is the little tiny pieces that make up the major trusses. Millions of pieces of steel.

Your little vids make it seem so peaceful. Reality is that every trip on the bridge is a full on scrum.

Keep it greasy.

jason webber said...

maybe it's just from being a skater most of my life and identifying so strongly to landmarks and inanimate objects that something like this hits hard. The memories made and forgotten along that bridge must be endless...thanks for the video dude.

TuRk said...

i bet that was tougher to go through than most would think, good video dood

Wheelman said...

Born in Vallejo and grew up in Vacaville. Worked much in the bay area in my youth and have crossed that span countless times. Now, more than 30 years later I live in the INW and did not know of the closing. If I had known I would have made a special trip to cross her one last time. Alas, opportunity missed. Makes me more than a little sad.

Louis David said...

change is the only constant

this gave me the chills man.


Shrewgy said...

Without that ol' bridge there is no telling what our lives would be like. Cheer up, we live to fight another day in honor our fallen.

TOKKY DAVE CA!! said...

great love it