max, the 4q knuckle is the bike that restored my faith in building harleys...before that it was all nortons...straight after i saw that bike i bought a panhead. in my eyes that bike is the closest it will ever get to perfect...skinny, small but still so fucken tuff. inspiring stuff...what about a big poster...
max. I skated with some friends of yours tonight, and i realized that i need to say, thanks for living the dream.
4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q 4Q
ur black knuckle.....I love that bike!!!!
sexyest motor ever...
max, the 4q knuckle is the bike that restored my faith in building harleys...before that it was all nortons...straight after i saw that bike i bought a panhead. in my eyes that bike is the closest it will ever get to perfect...skinny, small but still so fucken tuff. inspiring stuff...what about a big poster...
"steady girl, steady"
plus 1 on the poster
good idea on the poster guys...
i'll try to work it out.
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