Thursday, March 19, 2020

"A Rush and a Push and the Land Is Ours" - The Smiths

I try not to be doom and gloom. But i've been guilty of it, the following short story is about such a time.

   It was in Australia, during the filming of the  TENT CITY trip, we camped out most every night, random places, parks, peoples backyards, the skatepark, rarely at a legal camping spot. So after one of the sessions we asked some skaters----- "hey where is a good place to camp?"

 - "eeeehhhhhhh fuck mate" "dunno"
--"anywhere where people will just leave us alone"
-"ehhhhh like crap, ehhh uhhh well theres a dump down the way"
--"like for trash?"
-"ehhhh yeah we drink down there sometimes ehh"

 so we regroup, discuss our failed attempt at getting solid camping info. But we're all wiped out from skating, and we want to set up our tents, get a few slabs of beer, unwind and talk shit. So we fold, and drive down to the dump. We kind of find a spot where the dirt and grass had already grown over the trash. We limp and shuffle out of the van and grab our shit and start to chicken head around for good spot to lay our tents. Far from snoring, far from sleepless shuffling, you got to get the right spot..... most of all a flat spot! So I moved  my tent twice, unsettled each time, then i finally just said screw it and put it right near the van and the road because it was flat.
  An orchestra of zippers going up in down, the sound of piss on a tree, and so much nylon sleeping bag swishing noise, a burp, a fart, a giggle, then possibly some snoring. I laid there often thinking about the day, images spinning through my head. It takes me a while to fall asleep, always. A few hours later I'm half asleep and i hear car wheels on the gravel road, but I'm still kinda sleeping, then i hear a car door open, some laughing, a beer bottle fall to the ground, then a fast running noise through the grass around us......thena brief pause, every thing was silent for a half second....... well then everything around me caved in, like a car crash. The car crash was a mans ass coming down hard on top of my tent, landing directly on my face, smashing my big german irish nose. Oh shit!!!
I forgot to mention, right before the silence the guy about to jump yelled "GET FUCKED YA CUNTS" So Im lying there totally confused and shook. And i went fucking dark!-- Why me?
We need to find these guys and kill them, were they skaters? who does that? is this attack on america? is this gang related?........slight embellishment at the end there. But no shit at that moment i was ready to leave the trip early pack my shit and go. My nose killing me, my tent all janky, but most of all my pride was dinged and dented.
    I ended up falling asleep for a couple hours and then awoke to the sunshine, and dewy grass, and low chatter of people waking up. " you alright max?" yeah all good. And we packed for another day. I looked around and the dump was kinda of at beautiful spot, and my friends were all there and guess what,,,,, we made it to live another day.
   But when your in the middle of shit, it's easy to let it get you and take you down and not think of the next day, and the sunshine and your friends. SO in the middle of this wild, frightening time we are in at the moment, I'm trying not to go dark.  This is real. Our president did not take it seriously, because he's business man not a leader. Let's work together and be smart about this.

Some stuff from the last few days::

i cut the tunnel out and cleaned it and found 100 pin holes...... but all in all its a good hummer tank so I'm making some mods and fixing it.

pen15 club

that has to be 5 miles more of gas

to bee continued 

going to retire this one and put it on the wall, so sick of people dragging finger across it

in case it get froggy


Rhynchocephalian said...

The beauty is that your in the Zen-do today.

Andy said...

"But when your in the middle of shit, it's easy to let it get you and take you down and not think of the next day, and the sunshine and your friends."

I needed that today more than you could possibly know.

jaybird said...

Thanks for this . ☕️

Anonymous said...

stoked your back on the blog. raising fist emoji!

Throwback said...

Been meaning to the check the blogger. Nice to see some posts man. The cell phone boogie is making me nuts.