This is my first post about the Knucklehead Born Free is Raffling off at BF7. I've started to collect some parts for it. One being a beautiful 1946 Knucklehead, I really dig Knuckles in straight leg panhead frames so I've acquired one of those as well. The rest is just gobbley guck for the photo, but you get the idea. I'm very excited about this endeavor and am actually a little anxious as i type this. My vision is to build a chopper, that when finished i'll ride to the show. It will not be a show bike that has immaculate paint and chrome with no farts on the seat, though i will be doing lots of fabrication and paint on the bike. I just think those style bikes are fun to build and ride and that way whoever wins it can enjoy themselves and not feel like they can't breathe on it. Feels corny to over explain so i'll stop, and just say...... the winner wins a Knucklehead and i hope he/she can ride it out of there or at least enjoy riding it wherever it ends up. Stoked to do this. Mike, Grant, and Chris thanks for giving me this opportunity. If the bike runs well maybe i'll just ride past the show and head for Mexico. In the Wind... or On the Win. $25 chopper. Crazy.
P.S. Need kickstand.
i had no idea, digging up the burried treasures, while brushing off the cobwebs
Lookin tough
farts on the seat are mandatory
Already looks bitching! Can't wait to see it!
Kick ass!
Good news is you don't even have to raffle it of... I've got a kickstand and I'm sure I can scrounge up $25 somewhere...
thanks guys!
Jerry,,, haha. well cruise over!
"Needs kickstand"
Or milk crate :-)
Can't wait to see this thing man
very cool. while you have to admire a "show bike", its always the rusty ones that i want to hop on and kick over!
looking forward to this build. show bikes are nice to look at and all but your right its the dirty ones I want to jump on and ride. Kind like women now that I think about it.
So stoked to see it in person. Be riding down from Canada.
right on guys..... and just note before someone freaks out and says that I'm dogging show bikes, that is in no way true. I have a deep respect for show bikes and the intensity it takes to build one. It's a completely obsessive experience that i think every bike builder should experience. Its just time has shown me it's more common for a show bike to not get ridden.
Den ser da super fed ud......havde jeg 25 k så var den forhåbentlig på vej til DK i en kasse..... ;-) ;-) Show bike eller ikke show bike det er sku da pisse lige skal lave det man bedst kan li.....op i røven med alle de meninger og holdninger som alle andre går og bærer rundt på.....jeg gad ikke skrive på engelsk ...hurra for Google translate ..
my german sucks.. pretty good. xo
This must be an especially nice one for you to build in that its not being built for a customer with any certain wants or limits not even a color preferance. Its just all you and what you want to build. Thats rad and libeerting for sure. I'll get at you soon about that thing ok.
throwback...... spot on man. a nice break.
ok please do. thank you.
i really look forward to seein what comes outta the new pad, ill be there man...cheerin u on...fake limp and all..
I have a lot in common with bikes like that. I'm pretty far from perfect and totally unpolished. Flat feet, bruised knees, soft in the middle and grey on top. I know dudes that are all made up and handsome like show bikes. They're significantly less fun to have a beer with and shoot the shit. Wish I could get out to SoCal to win that thing but June never works out for me. I do know that whoever does win will be fucking stoked
I have always admired the work you do. I cant wait to see this bike finished, glad you keep hopping on the blog as well. Keep up the awesome work Max!!
Dig it. Lookin good.
Looks good Max. And do you need a headlight? I've the perfect one for you, well at least i think so haha. It's small, yellow glass, real glass not painted only a few dents on the chrome... but... how can i get it the is the main question? Good luck and take care!
Max if u are coming to mexico ley us know it!,if u need a Hand!
ya dawg! can lay down and ride it on my side?
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