Friday, August 15, 2014

___ HARRY DEAN STANTON______ -partly fiction doc-

  saw this documentary the other night, really well done, not overdone. Its these type of actors that i think get overlooked, so glad someone with so much talent and such a long list of achievements gets the praise he deserves.


Brian said...

"Look at those assholes, ordinary fucking people. I hate 'em."

Rick said...

I am convinced - CONVINCED - that this is one of those very rare individuals that created his own reality.

As in, life initially dealt him one particular reality - that he found to be unacceptable - so he created his own.

It can be done. HDS is proof positive.

Unknown said...


John Copeland said...

yes, agreed

Moto Messiah said...

The 64 Chevy Malibu rocks