Wednesday, January 22, 2014

was a trip to see these on ebay....

painted these as a gift for an old friend. hope they end up with someone that appreciates them. i don't got something to sell, nor would i most likely. but they were some good times... and i had a lot fun with input and help on that bike, including the name... rip to the pannzee


MatSeely said...

The video of you bolting these onto the bike for the first time changed my life. Thanks Max.

WhitelinePsycho said...

Seems forever ago, someone's getting more than just another paint job.

Unknown said...

Somethings that should have been left alone, RIP Panzeee

D.Car said...

Tried to find the auction but couldn't find it. They're up there now? Anyone have the link?

D.Car said...

Found it: Somebody owns a little piece of history, that bike was a staple for sure

jeremy bievenour said...

hey max! just to put you at eezz! my friend dustin bought them! he also owns what was the panzee. great guy! good home!

Throwback said...

What a chopper that was. Classic and modern at the same time.

max schaaf said...

glad to hear. thanks.

Tony d. said...

I've done some piss poor engraving on some friends bikes in the past. I think I'd be kind of bummed if I saw it getting hocked on ebay. C'est la vie.

Canada Rob said...

I am fortunate enough to have a tank you did Max... would not sell it ever. it was made for the bike and will stay on it.
I still need to send it back to you at some point for the final clear and buffing

thanks man

max schaaf said...

rob... awesome. the greenish and black one? anytime. word em up.
that knuckle looks great

Canada Rob said...

yea man the green black one.... dig it so much

the knuck is my bud brian's he did a great job on it

Ill hit you up this fall

David Vandiver said...

[hey max! just to put you at eezz! my friend dustin bought them! he also owns what was the panzee. great guy! good home!]

Any clues to what Dustin is going to do with the tanks and fender like Long bike, short bike, wishbone frame, straightleg frame, flat, knuck, pan, shovel, brit, engine etc.....??

jeremy bievenour said...

david, he also owns the bike that was the panzee. he is going to preserve the tins. he owns chopper history!