12 years ago i would drive by this ghetto loading dock everyday and think
about things to launch off of it... usually space out thinking about trying
to get a car on two wheels A-TEAM style.. but without a disposable vehicle
to practice with my next idea was to ride a motorcycle past it and have someone
jump(ollie) over me. i ran it by a few people who's response was kind of like
a "well right on" followed up by a subject changer. so i approached Mark Gonzales
with the idea, simply because mark is fearless, made out of rubber, and i knew if
all else failed i could call him a "pussy" or say "yea you probably couldn't do it
anyway" which would send him into a tailspin and for sure wouldand have to prove me wrong.
we ended up trying it out and gabe morford shot photos of it, but then they wanted dan wolfe to
film it, so we tried it again... stupid ideas turned into fun, which is good enough for me.
so 12 years later real skateboards wanted to re shoot it with some of their new pros, Ishod
and Jake, these guys are so talented that i knew something insane would go down. Two things,
i hadn't fired up the bike in a decade, and Ishod had never ridden a motorcycle. Turns out the
bike fired up with a little fine tuning, and the same could be said for Ishod.
Thanks to Real for being such a phenomenal inspiration over the years and taking on
hair brain ideas like this one.
max schaaf 2013
sorry if there is a commercial before the video, it's just the way the world works these days
wow.. was it that long ago? one of my favorite pics ever. (you and mark) new footy is pretty rad.
Super fun, really cool, kids done good, not as much 'flow' as the old guys had but tweeked it a bit . . . I'm stoked you still have the wee Kwaka.
I remember watching it in real to reel the video was awesome.
so rad.
proud pappa
Man, I feel old.
Still rulin
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