Tuesday, May 7, 2013

i like this very much. inspired to say the least

can't understand a word.
doesn't really matter.

zweihundert stunden from steven mehlhorn on Vimeo.

steven mehlhorn thanks for sending me this and making me this.


  1. Two Hundred something, whatever, fully mental shit.

  2. I've had the mentality for the last ten or so years that every project is preparation for building a gyrocopter. If it isn't engineered or built well enough to fly then it just doesn't cut it, right? throw it out and start over

  3. Flying fixie! Maybe for Born Free 6?

  4. Wow thats cool. That dude gets it.

  5. Before he takes off the first time he says "Alle ist Gut"
    That much I understand: "it's all good."

    If he's going to BF6 how come he's not wearing flannel, Dickies, Vans or even a black t-shirt?

  6. He's from the East part of Germany and tells the story about how flying like this was banned when Germany was split in half! Really cool and mellow guy who prefers to fly barefooted cause he says that when you walk on grass you need no shoes to get the feeling, and that its the same with flying!
    By the way Max, is there a chance to get one of those new shirts in the Big Cartel after BF? Cheers from Germany, Markus

  7. Be sure to send the flying dude a T-shirt, ok?

  8. He also says "flying, no matter what no matter where, thats what makes sense to me, there many people who just fly one kind of thing, its uncommon that somebody goes by dragon, glider and ultralight .. not common. these do that those do this...

    ...its getting even better now since the last years, borders dosent matter anymore. I can go to poland or to czech, ... freedom ...
    flying always looks the same, but it never is."

    he seems to be a real OG to me.

    good man

  9. damn, that looks like fun! It makes me want to ride my bike wearing shorts and no shoes to see how it feels.

  10. Years ago I rode my bike up to to the top of Mt. Wilson. When I got to the top, there was a hang gliding club assembling their gliders. They were amazed I rode up and I was tripping on them getting ready to take off. One by one the launched themselves off the summit and flew off. Surreal - great video Max

  11. thanks guys for the translation... it's along the lines that i hoped for.
    jahluv, that's cool man, sometimes the worlds collide and it seems for a reason. we can dig it.
