Monday, August 6, 2012

- oakland minute #9 -

stop the world and let me off. oakland ship yards. when they turn on you... this place will welcome you.
. in the wind? or behind the windshield? cate.. in it.
thank you KArl!!
mr. brat style.... too cool.
max: hey jason. hey man, can you help me move this clawfoot tub at 8am in the morning? jason: yea i think so. max: ok cool man, thanks. next morning on the drive there: jason: so where's this tub? max: it's on an old boat. jason:what? max: yea i know..sorry. jason: that's gonna suck to move! max:yea i know...sorry. jason: how do we get to the boat? max: uh.. it's an 1/8 mile down a janky boat dock. jason: what? dude? c'mon. max: i know... sorry
. and he even bought us sombrero's at a yard sale


  1. oooh…that dialogue!!!

    u dirty mf..
    so funny!!!

  2. friends helping friends. those top 3 photos are rad!

  3. Coffin-prayer-tub-planking always a class move, Jake and the wee fingers likewise, alternative Frisco, nice selection.

  4. you sold out and got a bath huh?

  5. haha, hustling friends. Are those key chains for sale?

  6. Also interested in a keychain!
