Tuesday, April 27, 2010

...ken nagahara......-->photo show

Recently our friend ken nagahara got a
call from a gallery in Japan. They wanted
him to do a photography show in his homeland.
Ken was more than stoked and agreed to do the
show......Of course there was major a problem,
Ken can't go back to Japan.

Coming from a family of Japanese loggers,
ken grew up the next in line. Just like his
great, great grandad did 100 years ago Ken
was supposed to join the family business.
Instead Ken was obsessed with skateboarding,
he packed a back pack and small amount of money
and headed for San Francisco.

A couple issues for a normal person might be
that he barely knew anybody in america,
didn't speak english, and only had enough
money for a couple weeks.
Ken charged the streets and made friends
with some local dirtbag skaters. Like skaters
often do for each other... they took Ken in like
a brother.

I once asked Ken "how'd you learn to speak
so well?"

He replied, "from watching Chappelle show"

The world was tuned into the Chappelle show
at the time. The skaters that had taken Ken
in were no different. Stoned to the bone with
his new comrades... he sat red eyed, sponging
up Chappelle. Learning how to say words and
making everyone laugh... hoping to figure
out the meaning of what he was saying sometime
in the near future.

Ken started taking photos of these same skaters
and was often seen around different skate
spots with his camera pressed to his face.
He seemed to have more of a knack for the
lifestyle shoots. The big magazines and
fancy photographers turned ken away claiming
his look to be not polished enough. Ken kept
at it... not changing his style and keeping
his eye up to the lens. raw and real.

Ken has had no easy time here in the bay.
Slept on the streets, begged for food,
robbed by thugs, hit by multiple cars, you
name it..... Ken goes through it all with a
smile on his face and his heart on his sleeve.

** so ken can't go back tp
japan because he has yet to meet
his american princess.
this being said he couldn't attend his
own show. our friend MAYA decided
with help from the missouri lounge
to hook ken up with a round eye version
of his show...

come down... cheap beer, good tunes.


circus leo said...

man that's so amazing. moving to another continent not knowing what the future might look like. leaving your family and friends behind...
respect and good luck for your life ken

Anonymous said...

i like this story. ken is a guru, a jesus ray from another time and place. me n tobe will be there for sure.

Davidabl said...

I am going to bet that this is the first time the
Missouri has ever had an art show?
otoh, It may have changed a little bit since the last time i crossed it's doors. Used to be a place where the cabdrivers didn't really like to pick up rides.
Being that it's local,and that it's MotorcycleART,and i'd like to meet Ken, i gotta go..

cutty ian said...

dude is one of my favorite random folks to run into in the bay.

The Noji Family said...

Hey I'm a jap too, but livin' in France, Arles, three years now. Can't go home to JP for dodgy reasons. Divorced, got two kids, don't speak French, just got fired so don't got no job, no money. All I got is a suzuki 650 with loud pipes, and an old MAC to draw. Wish I was in US, so I can see you all and this guy Ken. Tell him he's not alone, and if he ever need any kinda graphic designing support, ask me. Sending all my love to my Jap bro Ken from south o' France.

fauxsure said...

I just want to say Ken is the best dude ever. And I mean that from the bottom of my heart. I went through some rough times and would often receive photos in the mail from Ken. A lot of times I felt like he was my only friend. Sorry, Ken, I can only be there in spirit but I'll call you soon when I'm in the bay again! And Max, even though I don't know you, I really think you've summed up just how rad Ken is (for the second time) on your glob.

Utah Sam

john doe said...

eat shit and live

Icky said...

A bad ass if there ever was one. I never see that guy enough these days, and that's probably a good thing.
Good Eye, Nags.

scott pommier said...

i wish i could make up there for the show. i'm sure it'll be killer.

Gus said...

kens the best. he has supplied skate photos for me for my shop of some dudes that are pretty elusive. He has never asked to get paid, he just wanted me to donate to bordertown for use of the photos. Always indebted to the man.

skater by birth
biker by choice

KNO said...

glad to hear this,,
best wishes for him from east coast.
Hope to see you 2 in sept show

Anonymous said...

ken is the man. good luck with the show. come out and see us again soon!
