Wednesday, March 31, 2010 getter...

i put this fxr together
a some years back and it was
a real nice machine. it started
as a cop bike fxrp that had been
crashed. I had to sell it....
about 3 years ago and i miss it.
someday i'll track another one
down. for now my shovel fills it's
place just fine.... but these things
are all business and handle really well.

"in the parlance of our times"

scott pommier
has been adding lots
of photos to his CHASING THUNDER
site check em

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

more photos From: Darren Groucutt

his dad's 500 bsa 1960

dad's norton manx 1961

500 bsa goldstar 1960

350 manx norton 1961

Monday, March 29, 2010

--an email from:::

someone i've always looked up to.

i've always been a fan of
Lance Mountain. As a kid watching
the bones brigade videos... lance
was my favorite. i liked the way he
skated a lot but most of all i loved
his his humor. It seemed to me that
he was truly born a skateboarder...
and represented what i thought of as
a skateboarder. not afraid to slam,
a good push, a good style,an artist, a good
sense of humor, and good at a variety
of terrains. I don't think skating was/is
super easy for Lance. I think he had to work
hard to get as far as he has gotten. I respect
that so much. His first video part rules and his
new flip video part is amazing.
Lance thanks for being you.

from lance:
Got you email from Jon.
Gotten my old bike to run
fairly consistent now.
I check out you blog now
and then, rad.
Wanted to send you this photo of my dad,
It might explain some things about me to you.

more goodtimes

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010

.....friends from Canada

tag team in effect

got to these events

darren thanks for
the shirt.. i love it.

Friday, March 26, 2010

fuk em up chuck-ie

chuckie sends this one in.

thanks chuck.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

...doin it....

-john dove-
fresno 1974

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010

got sum mores

in the store

-oakland- dice party

let's go

when it's real good
i can't get enough pictures.
removing the camera is a burden.
the weekend was too fun so the
picture only get about 1/2%.

meet, eat, greet, and split.
friends form martinez, wizards from napa,
giants from castro calley... and beyond.

dirt dog gappin plugs

with a flash it looks shitty..
here is my one shot of bikes.

deathtraps on the way outta port costa.

thanks to matt and dean
for throwing the party.
and thanks to everyone that
came on the ride the next day.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

.....DeAtH TrApS-----> T0D

words can't describe how rad this
dude is. no clutch no worries.. full blast,
loose nut. him and the deathtraps boys made
the ride to port costa way memorable. record time.
thanks for going.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

----- please join us------


my friend Chris over at death-squad
hooked me up with some of their gear.
check em here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thanks chris, you rule.

straight outta frisco..... frisco,tx

thanks tim

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


-dave sandlin-
sent this portrait.

thanks dave

--trusty scouts--

one blogger i dig checking
they've created their own world
and it looks like a good one.
equipped with the talents
of the kid Kurpius and the likes
of MR. Coties among a cast of other
free thinkers. Seems like they got

when i spotted that their buddy
baker had pulled out a cam on his
sportster that was punched 4Q.. i knew
i had to contact the mothership.

Standup dude Brian Harlow communicated
that he would simply "borrow" the cam from
his friend and replace it with one of the numerous
virago cams they had laying around the shop.

here lays what the postman handed me on my
front porch.
One mounted and shellacked 4Q cam display.
.. i accepted the wooden nickel. fireworks.
template material and sharpies. phallic grips
and many other items of insperado.

above and beyond.... and done with style.
click the link above and check their vibe.

brian.... thanks dude.
and baker thanks for the
see you guys out there.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010


our friend meagan
looked cool in this helmet
painted a few years ago.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

oAkLaNd Ch0PpEr hIsToRy


--born free 2 --

mike d had this event last
year and it went off super
good. he's never been
anything but cool in my dealings
with him. i respect this dude.
he's working long days to
make this event the best.
i don't like big bike shows much,
and i hope to never have to go
to a chopper tradeshow.... that
being said... i can't wait for
born free part 2. So many rad
bikes in one place. Good people
good food. Sunshine. !they're
giving away a panhead! mike
is NOT doing this to get rich...
it's cause he digs it.
in fact he'll probably lose money.
so go and support it.

Born free, as free as the wind blows
As free as the grass grows
Born free to follow your heart

Live free and beauty surrounds you
The world still astounds you
Each time you look at a star

Stay free, where no walls divide you
You're free as the roaring tide
So there's no need to hide

Born free, and life is worth living
But only worth living
'cause you're born free

(Stay free, where no walls divide you)
You're free as the roaring tide
So there's no need to hide

Born free, and life is worth living
But only worth living
'cause you're born free

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

just hang man.......

some nights sleep is hard
to come by. kinda like a kid on
christmas eve... i lay in bed wide
awake thinking about the next day
and all i want to do. Once the gears
start spinning it's hard to slow em
down. i remember when i was skateboarding
all the time in my teens and 20's i would
lay in bed all night thinking up tricks i
wanted to learn and things i thought i
could do on a skateboard... the bummer
is the next day your so tired from staring at
the ceiling all night your mind and body don't
work as well as you dreamed.

about a year ago on one of these such nights,
after some long hours in the garage i was laying
in bed unable to sleep. My hands burning from cuts
and chemicals, my back aching from hunching over
a bike, and my lungs filled with paint fumes.
I thought
to myself "man i feel like shit,
i'm killing myself".....
..... and i just want tomorrow to start
so i can do it again.

"i'm dying for my dreams"

it's weird to hear people talk
about others and the things
they're into. People can be
so critical of other peoples
lives. I've heard it in all
different, skate-
boarding,art, and motorcycles.
Trying to knock other folks
down saying
" ah so and so he's not
really into art, he's
just here for the ride"
or "yeah he's a good drummer but
i don't think he's really
into it" "you know his dad bought
him a skateboard when he was
like three"
.... shit i've done it, and i was
being lame and insecure.
the funny thing is the older
i got the less i thought
it would happen....nope.
When your in it, you are in it.
Only you know it. In your heart.
From head to toe.
I believe the things i love
found me..... that's
always how it has been.
When you know you can't shake
it. Abusing your body, spinning
your mind way to fast,
all to move forward.
Nothing real is easy. Love, skateboards,
friends, motorcycles,family... it takes work.
this shirt is for everyone that
understands it...
"dying for our dreams"

i ran this idea by a few people
and i think no one really got it....
but Patrick Dunaway got it right
off the bat. thanks so much dude.
you just nailed it.
check patrick here
i'll try to have these
for sale by the end of the week.
i'll make a post.