Tuesday, September 22, 2009

..crystal.. -photo by lance c.1984


lee bender said...

chillin in some nature preserve just takin a high heel hike

LUCKY said...

Nice back when girls had meat on there bones! Max who's on your header?

max schaaf said...

david allen coe

drsprocket said...

Mind if I answer Lucky Max? That's David Allan Coe "The Original Rhinestone Cowboy"!

drsprocket said...

Sorry Max. You must have been at the keyboard yourself.

VANDER said...

i love her and i love david allen coe.......

Stone said...

David Allen Coe cancelled his Park City show last week, which left me bored in a shit-hole tourist town. Lame. What is it about stubby heels and tall, striped socks?

hosenose said...

i would like to -sniff- some -crystal-.