Monday, October 27, 2008

part dos

our friend john turned into -ansel adams- on this one.

this guy came outta no-where. black widow.


pan meeting

shrewgy on his cousins panhead. all smiles.


Unknown said...

i guess shrewgy got rid of the pony tail!

Jet City Jughead said...

Foggy pictures rule. We've been socked in hard the past couple up here.

Hey, tell Adam hi for me if you can. Pan is almost back together (lagging) and his tank will soon be on the row-add.

mindpill said...

after seeing that picture of you guys, now i`m definitely voting no on prop. 8...................... NO on PROP. HATE..... that day looked fun....

Kenny Bloggins said...

Haha One time a couple of those Black Widow dudes rolled up when I was at the 500 Club, cool to see retro Japanese bikers on old Kawasakis. Then they took off their helmets and had perfect Psychobilly pomps, man it was funny!

Anonymous said...

so I was on the path train about a year ago headed to newark NJ and got to talking to this old timer who re pointed all the brick at fort point...he tells me there is a double wall design with a layer of sand a foot or so thick between the walls to stop the cannonballs from blowing through... anyway what does a laminated fort point wall constructed several feet thick have to do with skateboarding anyway? I have no Idea "nice motorcycle"

The Vintagent said...

Those pics of John's are so good I'm going to steal them for my blog! He took all the Ansel mojo for the day, best pix so far...