Thursday, March 20, 2008

-vietnam zippos- showcases the engravings made by U.S. soldiers on their zippos during vietnam.

if you live in Oakland or near get this at my friends
magazine shop named "issues" just off piedmont ave.


Hankster Sees All, Hankster Knows All said...

this blog never ceases to amaze me. all my biker buddies swear by this blog. all my skate buddies- 20 years younger than me, think it's the BALLS. both worlds have meshed and I'm dizzy with thrill at having discovered this blog.

Big Dirty said...

"If your recovering my Body Fuck You"


Nads said...

This shit's heavy, it's almost harder to look at than dead soldiers. I'm gonna have to buy this book.

unidentified said...

very cool.

max schaaf said...

glad you guys dig it. lots more engraved zippos in the book and good old photos too.