Wednesday, March 12, 2008

tony trujillo

born to skate. one of the most natural skaters ever.
this is when tony was maybe 16 or 17?


  1. Is that Ripon? I've still never skated there.
    I gotta stop being so lazy. Of course, I live in LA, so, yeah.

  2. no it's the alameda park. real pile o shit.
    but tony made it work.

  3. what a cool photo. morf? look at how high tony's blasting that grasser over sheckler. i wish that when i grabbed backside it didn't automatically turn into the shackle-me-not version of the posture. no slight on hensley, but i wanna kick my back heel out.

  4. Death From Above (that little kid's about to buy the farm)...

  5. Beautiful and very stylish way to go backside over a hip ...TNT rocks!
