Tuesday, May 17, 2016

shit.... RIP GUY CLARK

  if there's any one songwriter that has sung me though some rough spots it's Guy Clark.....
thanks for all the beautiful tunes.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

maybe a song, or a poem or a thought grouped into words

    dark clouds don't look down
 and try to take me back,
 let me sit against the old oak tree
 with the cool green grass between my feet
listening to that little bird sing that song that says
 -you've been looking for this happiness for so long-
 let these lines deepen from laughter around these eyes,
 i'll be the custodian for these good times.
lifes rules have been advertised
 since we were young enough to see,
to obtain white picket fences, costumes and misery.
but with eyes wide open now, and this heart awake,
 those rules hold no stake